Thursday, February 28, 2013

Some facts about calories

1 minute kissing = 2 burned calories
Love and passion can help you to increase the number of burned calories. Passionate kissing not only that will return the smile on the face and you will be filled with pleasant emotions ,it can also help you reduce weight.
15minute session of kissing can help you burn 30 calories.

30minutes of sex=150 burned calories.
More passionate sex,  more burned calories. It is estimated that half hour of sex can burn about 150 calories.
The more altered positions, the more complete body training. Choose a position in which you're top and move up and down and will burn up to 200 calories in half an hour, while most will practice problematic areas - thighs and buttocks.
Orgasm is an additional "burner" calories. Experts believe that women have an orgasm consume more calories during sex.

There is no food with "negative" calories
"Foods with negative calories" is a concept that should not be taken for granted, and is based on the claim that there are foods which digest the body consumes more calories than they contain in them. The list of negative calorie foods you can often find celery, asparagus, grapefruit and cabbage. Experts advise to forget the idea.

Winter helps us to burn more calories
You caan immediately say: "It is not true, always gain weight in winter." The truth is that most people raise their weight in winter, but only because they become lazier.
During cold winter days, the metabolism speeds up to warm the body, and that means more calories burned per day.
Stay active and you'll have no problem with the line or in the winter. On the contrary, the cold will facilitate the achievement of attractive figure.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Best time to eat if you want to reduce weight

The best way to lose weight is by balansed eating and exercising. But the dynamic way of life sometimes doesn't allow us to eat and exercise properly. So here are some tips that can help you lose some weight by not putting much efford.
At first you should have breakfast 1 hour after waking up. The breakfast stimulates the metabolisam and by having breakfast your body will require less food during the day.
Eat small meals in every 2-3 hours. It will balance the blood sugar and you will have more energy and a better mood. You won't feel starved at all.
Have snacks in the afternoon. In that time the energy is on very low level and the body needs some extra carbs or sugar. Snacks are the best way to avoid meal.
Eat your last meal at least 3-4 hours before bedtime. If you eat later than that you will have trouble sleeping and the stomach will have problem digesting the food.
Avoid alchohol. If you want a glass or two do it at the end of the day. It sometimes helps digesting the food.