Saturday, April 13, 2013

13 tips for a flat stomach

1.Do not drink sodas, they are empty calories, fructose corn syrup, which stick to your structure. Even dietary types lead to excess pounds.

2.Replace the calcium-rich dairy products, with products that have a reduced fat content. The taste is almost the same, and they are much healthier for you

3.Cut out the white bread and switch to an equivalent of whole grains, which is full of fiber and will keep you eaten in a while.

4.Use ball workout. You'll need a balance, so you are going to tone your stomach further.

5.Тry daily to have 5 intakes of fruits or vegetables. They provide you with fiber and antioxidants, and energy that slowly consumes.
6.As much as hate to do them you have to do abs. Mix several types, so do at least 2 sets of 15 stomach and gradually build up every day.
7.Stand or squat like you are going to sit on achair. It looks easy, but it is not, do 2 sets of 15 a day.
8.To speed up your metabolism eat 5 times a day by little, rather than 2.3 times a lot. Easy breakfast, dinner with protein snacks between. Ит will continually work without interruptions, so you will be fit.
9.Trust your mother, sit upright! Holding back taut, tone stomach, perfect circle, is not it?
10. Running or brisk walking is another great way of toning your stomach, and it is good for the heart and bones.
11. Afterhard workout rather than lie in bed, do some yoga stretching. It is good for the body and relieves stress.
12.Lie down straight and bend your knees and engage stomach to lift your legs up and slowly come back down, but without touching the floor. The second way is to lie down, put his hands on the side and straight leg lift opening his heels from the floor and leave so much as you can to start 35-40 seconds. Will hurt at first, but the dust of your feet is great for the stomach.
13. After some time exercising, add weights. Small weighт of 1 kg despite the stomach will tone the hands.

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