Friday, March 8, 2013

The best activities for losing weight

Cycling - 500 - 1,000 calories / hour
Depending on how fast you drive, the bike can be a real calorie burner. It is best to drive out, but for rainy days buy yourself a stationary bike to drive while watching TV

Step Aerobics - 800 calories / hour

The most involved parts of your body will be the legs, hips, buttocks, and those are the most problematic areas for women especially. Exercising one hour a day, 3 times a week will bring you results quickly.

Swimming - 800 calories / hour
This is the best exercise to lose weight, especially in the summer. An hour in the pool you will burn 800 calories and tone your whole body.

Walking - 360 calories / hour
This is the easiest exercise, great for the heart and for tightening the legs, stomach and hips. Just walking to work/school every day will show results.

Dancing - 600-800 calories / hour
Dancing is the most entertaining activity for losing weight and toning your whole body. Listening to music and dancing to it in spite of the weight will get you rid of stress.

Running - 550 calories / hour
Running is great for your body and gives you a lot of time to think without distraction, which is not the case with  for example fitness centres .  For a firmer butt and solved problems, start today.

Jumping on trampoline - 400 calories / hour

Who would have known that something this much fun can be a great exercise minus the pounds? Your heart will beat rapidly, and you will engage your buttocks to find balance.

Gardening - 250 calories / hour
Here's your reason to spend time in the yard getting rid of wild grasses or planting flowers. Protect your skin with sun lotion with SPF and drink enough water.

Cleaning - 200 calories / hour
Clean the house and burn calories at the same time. Turn on the vacuum and sweat yourself while you clean every corner of your home.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Benefits of inline (roller) skating

Inline (or roller) skating is a perfect way to combine fun and fitness. It is also very easy to learn and it's never too late or too early to start learning.
Many studies have shown that inline (roller) skating provides a complete aerobic workout and works different body mussles,almoust all,and it gives good cardio workout.

Inline (roller) skating is the third highest callorie burner. It is proven that is more benefitial than running or cycling or exercising in the jym.

One hour of inline (roller) skating burns almoust 400 calories. The skating itself speeds up the heart beat and by it the ammount of burned calories increases. 
Inline (roller) skating can tone your body in unusual and unexpected ways. Pushing yourself forward while rolling on the wheels, the muscles in your legs are stimulated and exercised, especially your inner thighs and quadriceps. Try to use your abdominal muscles to help keep your balance as you push forward and you will be seeing a toned midsection in no time.

All in all inline(roller) skating depends on balance.Having a good sense of balance throughout your life will help you reduce the risk of falls when you grow older. Keeping good balance while inline(roller) skating will help you maintain healthy and balanced in during other aspects of life and can benefit as you become older. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Facts about caffeine

Despite common belief, the coffee will not help you get sober quickly if you're drunk, nor will make you addicted, and will kill you if you drink 85 cups at once.

Here are some interesting and useful facts about caffeine:

Caffeine doesn't make you addicted!
It is a stimulant which excites nerve cells, but unlike nicotine it is safe and not addictive if you use it sparingly. However if you drink coffee regularly you may feel little adicted,like in the mornings you will sleepier and you might get headaches, difficulty in concentrating, and muscle aches.

Moderate daily intake of caffeine:
Two to three cups of coffee a day or 200 to 300 milligrams of caffeine per day is considered a moderate dose for most adults.

Beneficial effects:
Reduces the risk of diabetes, gallstones, Parkinson's disease and liver disease. But despite that studies have shown that doctors do not recommend caffeine consumption for reducing the risk of diseases.
Caffeine is also great for oily skin without wrinkles, and therefore is part of the composition of many anti-aging creams

Pregnant women and nursing mothers should not consume caffeine!
Some studies linked the large caffeine intake to higher risk of miscarriage and slowed fetal growth.
In the case of nursing mothers caffeine may be transmitted to the baby through milk , but doctors say that 1 cup of morning coffee will not hurt. On the other hand, excessive intake may cause insomnia, irritability, and poor feeding.

The effects of caffeine last more than 5 hours!
It takes 5-6 hours for your body to eliminate half the caffeine in a cup of coffee, and therefore drinking coffee in the afternoon can disrupt night sleep. To the most sensitive people caffeine effects may last longer.

Caffeine affects more to men and older people!
Men have a greater response to caffeine than women, but it is not always good. It may harm them in stressful situations where team work as required in the workplace, while for women to improve performance.
Older people are also more sensitive to caffeine because it is taking their bodies little longer to recover.

 Caffeine overdose can kill you!
Caffeine overdose deaths are rare and can be caused by spasms and irregular heart beats. The amount of caffeine which is considered overdose depends on the age and sex of the person, but more than 10 grams can be fatal to an adult.
Standard cup of coffee contains about 115 milligrams of caffeine and you need to drink 85 cups to have entered 10 grams ..

Monday, March 4, 2013

Food that helps burn more calories

There are certain foods that speed up metabolism and burn calories. For example:

1.Milk, cereal.
Secret ingredients: calcium, complex carbohydrates and fiber.
Complex carbohydrates and fiber speed up the metabolism, because after eating they maintain low insulin levels. That's good, because high levels of insulin sends signal to your bodyl to start to store fat.
Calcium in milk also speeds up the metabolism. Research at the University of Tennessee found that people who keep a diet and consume between 1200 and 1300mg calcium a day lost nearly twice as much weight than those who entered less calcium.

2.Chili pepperoni.
Secret Ingredient: Capsaicine - substance in pepperoni which gives bitter taste.
Hot pepperoni make the heart beat faster. Research done at the end of the 80s has shown that eating a pungent spicy meal speeds up metabolism by 25%. More research however found that men who consumed coffee and meals containing red angrily pepperoni burned almost 1000 calories more than normal.

3.Green tea, coffee.
Secret ingredients: caffeine and substance EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate), which is found in green tea.
Caffeine speeds up the heart rate, the faster your heart beats, the more calories you burn. EGCG works similarly. This substance helps the brain and nervous system to run faster and thus you burn more calories. Research shows that the combination of caffeine and 90mg EGCG, consumed three times a day helps you burn an extra 30 calories and while idle.

4.Thin and fat-free pork, chicken, beef and turkey meat.
Secret Ingredient: protein.
The body requires more energy to process meat protein than it needs for carbohydrates and fats. This means that the more protein you consume, the more your body works, so in the process you consume more calories.
Research done in Arizona, shows that people who keep a diet rich in protein burn twice as many calories hours after eating, than people who keep a diet rich in carbohydrates.

5.Salmon, tuna, sardines.
Secret ingredient: omega-3 fatty acids.
Omega-3 fatty acids affect the levels of the hormone leptine in the body. Low levels of leptine accelerates the metabolism and you quickly burn calories. The best way to reduce the level of leptine is to eat fish.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Unusual ways to lose weight

1.Drink carrot juice. If in the course of 3 months, you drink at least1 glass of carrot juice a day, you would lose 2 kg, beacuse carrot juice is rich in fiber and nutrients that dissolve fat.

2.Spice up with cinnamon. Cinnamon speeds up the metabolism and thus helps in burning more calories. Just half a teaspoon of cinnamon per day (in a glass of milk or yogurt) can help you lose 1 pound a month.

3.Exercisise in company. It has been proven that if you exercise in company you will lose weight three times more than if you exercise alone. New research has found that the average woman weakens five pounds more when her friends accompany her diet and exercise along with it.

4. Eat in company. People are inclined to consume as much food as you consume and the surrounding. If you eat with your friend, you enter 35% fewer calories.

5.Chop your food in tiny pieces. People think the chopped food appears in 27% more in quantity when it is chopped. Thanks to it,   you consume 20% less calories.

6.Drink red wine. Drinking a glass of red wine a day can help to prevent the formation of fatty deposits, especially around the abdomen. Studies have shown that resveratrol from grapes prevents the formation of fat cells waist.

7.Exercise in the morning. Exercising in the morning helps burn fat faster, because then the body draws energy from the stored fat. If you exercise in the morning, will you have one kilogram more than if you exercise at any other time of day.

8.Consume calcium. Those who regularly watch the intake of calcium in the body, burning 2.6% more calories than those who do not do it.

9.Listen to relaxing music while you eat. If you listen to music that you find relaxing you will chew your food with a slower pace and there will be enough time for the brain time to get the information that you have eaten.
While you exercise, listen to music whose pace is accelerating. That way you will not feel so tired and you can practice longer, and thus burn more calories.

10.Use gum. 15 minutes after a meal put in his mouth chewing gum, and the same make and 2 hours after a meal. That way you will reduce your desire to eat dessert or snacks, which significantly increase the daily calorie reception.

11.Eat in every 3 hours. If you eat once 5 hours, then your metabolism will slow down. You need to eat small meals every 3 hours to maintain rapid metabolism.

12.Drink green tea. Green tea speeds up metabolism by about 20%.

13.Eat lentils with every meal. If you manage to eat lentils with each meal for 10 weeks, will you lose 7 pounds, because the lens contains amino acids that quickly burn fat.

14.Eat chili  and red peppers. Hot red peppers have in itself a substance called capsaicine, which speeds up the metabolism by 25%. Red peppers contain six times more vitamin C than tomatoes, and vitamin C is necessary for the conversion of fat to energy.

15.Eat an apple before each meal. About 15-20 minutes before each meal eat one apple. This will reduce your calorie intake averaged 180.
16.Laugh. Laughing burns calories, and unless it affects positively and emotional health. Laugh every day for 10-15 minutes and honestly imperceptibly will burn on average 275 calories a week.

17.Have regular sex. Sex speeds up the metabolism and helps in shaping your body. Every 30 minutes of sexual activity help losing an average of 150 calories.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Chocolate can help you preserve your figure?

 Recently,some awsome news spread from USA. The chocolate can help you to save the beautiful figure, so it should not abstained and  ejected from your daily food schedule, even when you're dieting.
Some researches showed that people who eat chocolate regularly weigh less than the people who consume it rarely.Participants in the study who regularly enjoyed the chocolate had lower BMI (body mass index). Specifically, those who ate chocolate five times a week had one unit lower BMI.
But this doesn't mean that you should exacurate with consuming chocolate.
This is not the first study that shows that daily moderate dose of chocolate is beneficial to health. Last summer research with the participation of 100,000 people found that those who regularly ate chocolate reduced the risk of heart disease by 37% and the risk of stroke by 29%.
Experts advise to look out because all the chocolates are not the same in composition. The healthiest eating chocolate is with a high percentage of cocoa (over 60-70%). It is believed that the bitter taste of dark chocolate reduces appetite, and that sweet taste of milk chocolate can stimulate.

Friday, March 1, 2013

The most often excuses not to exercise

1."I dont have time."
Why is unfounded excuse? The same excuse can be used for putting make up,making coffee, watching your favorite series or Facebook. But we use the"no time" excuse only for diet and exercise. If you can find time for Facebook or  series, you can find time for exercise. The best solution - exercise while watching TV. As far as diet, start with small changes in the way of feeding that you do not time-consuming. For example, for a very short time will make a salad than spaghetti for dinner.

2."I am working / studying, I have to have energy"
Why is unfounded excuse? And exercise and healthy food provides more energy. Fatty and junk food will not raise the legs as it can do physical activity. Stringent starvation diets reduce energy, but they just should not be part of your weight loss plans. Wake up in the morning exercise for a half an hour and have breakfast  You will not be able to complain of lack of energy throughout the day.

3."I'm under stress"
Why is unfounded excuse? Exercise is proven to reduce stress. Instead of sitting irritable bowl of chips in hand, become and remove stress through physical activity. Stress is present in our daily lives. If you leave one problem, you'll get a new one. If you are not strong enough to stop using stress as an excuse, never find a convenient time to improve your form.

4."I passed the years when I had to look nice"
Why is unfounded excuse? Women should always try to look nice, and 20 and 50 years. It is never too late to start exercising or to start a new diet. In fact, maintaining a normal weight is very important for older women, because each additional centimeter volume abdomen carries a greater health risk.