Sunday, March 3, 2013

Unusual ways to lose weight

1.Drink carrot juice. If in the course of 3 months, you drink at least1 glass of carrot juice a day, you would lose 2 kg, beacuse carrot juice is rich in fiber and nutrients that dissolve fat.

2.Spice up with cinnamon. Cinnamon speeds up the metabolism and thus helps in burning more calories. Just half a teaspoon of cinnamon per day (in a glass of milk or yogurt) can help you lose 1 pound a month.

3.Exercisise in company. It has been proven that if you exercise in company you will lose weight three times more than if you exercise alone. New research has found that the average woman weakens five pounds more when her friends accompany her diet and exercise along with it.

4. Eat in company. People are inclined to consume as much food as you consume and the surrounding. If you eat with your friend, you enter 35% fewer calories.

5.Chop your food in tiny pieces. People think the chopped food appears in 27% more in quantity when it is chopped. Thanks to it,   you consume 20% less calories.

6.Drink red wine. Drinking a glass of red wine a day can help to prevent the formation of fatty deposits, especially around the abdomen. Studies have shown that resveratrol from grapes prevents the formation of fat cells waist.

7.Exercise in the morning. Exercising in the morning helps burn fat faster, because then the body draws energy from the stored fat. If you exercise in the morning, will you have one kilogram more than if you exercise at any other time of day.

8.Consume calcium. Those who regularly watch the intake of calcium in the body, burning 2.6% more calories than those who do not do it.

9.Listen to relaxing music while you eat. If you listen to music that you find relaxing you will chew your food with a slower pace and there will be enough time for the brain time to get the information that you have eaten.
While you exercise, listen to music whose pace is accelerating. That way you will not feel so tired and you can practice longer, and thus burn more calories.

10.Use gum. 15 minutes after a meal put in his mouth chewing gum, and the same make and 2 hours after a meal. That way you will reduce your desire to eat dessert or snacks, which significantly increase the daily calorie reception.

11.Eat in every 3 hours. If you eat once 5 hours, then your metabolism will slow down. You need to eat small meals every 3 hours to maintain rapid metabolism.

12.Drink green tea. Green tea speeds up metabolism by about 20%.

13.Eat lentils with every meal. If you manage to eat lentils with each meal for 10 weeks, will you lose 7 pounds, because the lens contains amino acids that quickly burn fat.

14.Eat chili  and red peppers. Hot red peppers have in itself a substance called capsaicine, which speeds up the metabolism by 25%. Red peppers contain six times more vitamin C than tomatoes, and vitamin C is necessary for the conversion of fat to energy.

15.Eat an apple before each meal. About 15-20 minutes before each meal eat one apple. This will reduce your calorie intake averaged 180.
16.Laugh. Laughing burns calories, and unless it affects positively and emotional health. Laugh every day for 10-15 minutes and honestly imperceptibly will burn on average 275 calories a week.

17.Have regular sex. Sex speeds up the metabolism and helps in shaping your body. Every 30 minutes of sexual activity help losing an average of 150 calories.

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