Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Facts about caffeine

Despite common belief, the coffee will not help you get sober quickly if you're drunk, nor will make you addicted, and will kill you if you drink 85 cups at once.

Here are some interesting and useful facts about caffeine:

Caffeine doesn't make you addicted!
It is a stimulant which excites nerve cells, but unlike nicotine it is safe and not addictive if you use it sparingly. However if you drink coffee regularly you may feel little adicted,like in the mornings you will sleepier and you might get headaches, difficulty in concentrating, and muscle aches.

Moderate daily intake of caffeine:
Two to three cups of coffee a day or 200 to 300 milligrams of caffeine per day is considered a moderate dose for most adults.

Beneficial effects:
Reduces the risk of diabetes, gallstones, Parkinson's disease and liver disease. But despite that studies have shown that doctors do not recommend caffeine consumption for reducing the risk of diseases.
Caffeine is also great for oily skin without wrinkles, and therefore is part of the composition of many anti-aging creams

Pregnant women and nursing mothers should not consume caffeine!
Some studies linked the large caffeine intake to higher risk of miscarriage and slowed fetal growth.
In the case of nursing mothers caffeine may be transmitted to the baby through milk , but doctors say that 1 cup of morning coffee will not hurt. On the other hand, excessive intake may cause insomnia, irritability, and poor feeding.

The effects of caffeine last more than 5 hours!
It takes 5-6 hours for your body to eliminate half the caffeine in a cup of coffee, and therefore drinking coffee in the afternoon can disrupt night sleep. To the most sensitive people caffeine effects may last longer.

Caffeine affects more to men and older people!
Men have a greater response to caffeine than women, but it is not always good. It may harm them in stressful situations where team work as required in the workplace, while for women to improve performance.
Older people are also more sensitive to caffeine because it is taking their bodies little longer to recover.

 Caffeine overdose can kill you!
Caffeine overdose deaths are rare and can be caused by spasms and irregular heart beats. The amount of caffeine which is considered overdose depends on the age and sex of the person, but more than 10 grams can be fatal to an adult.
Standard cup of coffee contains about 115 milligrams of caffeine and you need to drink 85 cups to have entered 10 grams ..

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