Saturday, March 2, 2013

Chocolate can help you preserve your figure?

 Recently,some awsome news spread from USA. The chocolate can help you to save the beautiful figure, so it should not abstained and  ejected from your daily food schedule, even when you're dieting.
Some researches showed that people who eat chocolate regularly weigh less than the people who consume it rarely.Participants in the study who regularly enjoyed the chocolate had lower BMI (body mass index). Specifically, those who ate chocolate five times a week had one unit lower BMI.
But this doesn't mean that you should exacurate with consuming chocolate.
This is not the first study that shows that daily moderate dose of chocolate is beneficial to health. Last summer research with the participation of 100,000 people found that those who regularly ate chocolate reduced the risk of heart disease by 37% and the risk of stroke by 29%.
Experts advise to look out because all the chocolates are not the same in composition. The healthiest eating chocolate is with a high percentage of cocoa (over 60-70%). It is believed that the bitter taste of dark chocolate reduces appetite, and that sweet taste of milk chocolate can stimulate.

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